Menopause Belly 3 Tips to Get Rid of It

Are you in your late 30’s or 40’s or even your 50’s?  Hate your menopause belly?   Want to get a flatter, tighter tummy?

I was able to sit down with Shawna Kaminski, Female Fat Loss Expert.  Shawna is also the creator of My Bikini Belly.  Her program targets that dreaded MENOPAUSE BELLY that happens to ladies as our hormones change. Check it out my interview with Shawna:


Here are 3 ways to get rid of that menopause belly:

1-Spend less time doing cardio.

2-Add resistance training to increase muscle tone.

3-Modify your eating habits.

Wishing you a happy, healthy, trim belly,


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2 Comments on "Menopause Belly 3 Tips to Get Rid of It"

  1. Hi, can you give a general guideline about what is a suitable amount of cardio? From the perspective of someone who was never a fitness junkie. Walking? 30 minutes? How many times per week? Thank you.

  2. Priscilla Stanley | April 28, 2018 at 8:03 pm | Reply

    Please help me. I have that ugly belly fat. I need help.

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