5 Reasons to Exercise… Even in February!

Look, I get it. It’s cold, you’re busy and you don’t feel like exercising.

Not today. Not on a Monday in February.

So I’m here to remind you of just how important exercise is and how great it makes you feel. Even on a Monday in February. Especially on a Monday in February!

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer for motivation, since different things motivate different people, so explore all 5 motivators below…

Motivator #1: Health
Have you looked at the long list of health benefits that exercise delivers? Pretty impressive. Not only does exercise help to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, it also helps lower bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure, while improving the amount of good cholesterol in the human body.

Additionally, exercise strengthens bones and muscles, lowers the risk of cancer, decreases stress, helps to battle depression, and even improves one’s love life.

Motivator #2: Enjoyment
If exercise hasn’t been enjoyable, it’s time to find a way to make it fun. Everyone likes doing things they enjoy. You might hate running but enjoy swimming or riding a bike. Perhaps you don’t like being alone and would rather be social. So join a team! Or maybe you don’t like the idea of driving all the way to the gym, changing out, and exercising with a crowd. Find out when your local gym is least populated, and hit the weights then. Do what’s most fun for you and you’ll be less likely to stop.

Motivator #3: Increased Confidence
Being out of shape or overweight, it can take a lot of courage to start an exercise routine. Remember to be confident in who you are, no matter what size or shape. Don’t compare yourself to the skinny, toned figure strutting her stuff through the gym. Believe it or not, she has her own insecurities too. Beyond that, you being the best you that you can be is why you’re there. Keep your eyes on your goal and don’t expect perfection after just a week of exercise. Strive to have your best body—not someone else’s.

Motivator #4: Goal Achievement
If you’re just getting started in the world of exercise, or if you’ve simply gotten stale, a good place to start is by setting goals. How much weight would you like to lose? How far would you like to run? Working towards a goal is a great motivator. However, don’t set up for failure by striving after unrealistic goals. Do this and you’ll soon feel overwhelmed and give up altogether. To avoid this, set realistic milestones. When you reach them, enjoy your accomplishment and then set new goals to take your good health even further.

Motivator #5: Rewards
Rewards are a great motivator. In fact, much of what you do in life is motivated by a reward of some kind, whether intrinsic or extrinsic. When it comes to exercise, a good reward probably shouldn’t be an ice cream sundae, but it may be that new pair of jeans you’ve been eyeing, or perhaps a night out with friends. Maybe for you, weight loss and lowered blood pressure are reward enough. Just know that your hard work is paying off and deserves to be rewarded.

I believe in you all! I’m so proud of you for everything you do.

Take good care of yourselves, and each other.

Happy Lifting!


Confidence Call:
“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, then it’s not the end.”
Ed Sheeran

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