How the Get Back in the Gym After an Injury

We’ve all experienced a setback of some sort.  An injury, illness or maybe life took over and you took time away from the gym.  Whatever the reason, when you head back to the gym you may be tempted to start where you left off.  This could actually lead to re-injury or becoming so sore that you convince yourself that you need more time away from the gym.  In an interview with Alli Kerr Women’s Fitness and Weight Loss Expert, Carolyn Nations, a Pink Physique client talks about her experience returning to the gym after repeated shoulder surgeries.

Carolyn talks about several things in regards to returning to the gym including:

*Fear can keep us inactive
*Mental battles during injury recovery at home
*Physical battles of injury recovery

We always recommend you consult your doctor if you have any medical issue.  At the Pink Physique we can help you build a routine that will take your capabilities and turn them into success.

To learn more about Carolyn’s experience watch this:

We would love to hear from you!  Leave a comment below about your experience.

Happy and safe lifting,




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1 Comment on "How the Get Back in the Gym After an Injury"

  1. Nickie Hancock | March 1, 2018 at 5:42 pm | Reply

    What a great, motivational video. I have been in a rut about getting back to the gym. I had an ankle injury a year and a half ago. I am doing good, but it still bothers me at time with pain and swelling. I do get in that mindset of fear of re-injury. You said it best in the video or starting smart and small. Awesome advice to at least start somewhere. Thank you!

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